Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sruthi's Eclectic Home in Virginia

I am delighted to bring you a tour of a lovely home tour just in time for Diwali :) This charming home belongs to Sruthi. I have featured Sruthi's sun room on MDC before and you can read about it here.

I asked Sruthi to describe her home and her style in her own words and here's what she had to say "I am Sruthi, a blogger at The East Coast Desi. I live with my

Husband (Giridhar) and 6 year old son (Pranav) in Virginia. My husband Giridhar and I believe that

our home should reflect our personalities, style sensibilities and our Indian roots. Being away from

home (India) made us realize our love for all things Indian. That set off the basic eclectic theme that we planned to carry out throughout our home . We also treasure all the ancestral pieces that

we have inherited from our family. We like surrounding ourselves with

pieces that have traces of time and a story to tell."

Sruthi's home has a character and attention to detail which I like. My favorite corner of her home is definitely this one......I like how calm, serene and beautiful everything looks!!

"The art above the couch in the picture below, is a collection of hand painted palkis/palanquins that were bought at a craft sale back in Bangalore. They were framed with Fiber glass and carried all the way back here with "Fragile" taped to all sides of the suitcase."

Sruthi sounds like me!! I too have carried a ton of stuff back from India, nervous and anxious that they reach the States intact :)

"The knick-knacks on the coffee table are a blend of antiques that are family heirloom pieces and new pieces that we found on our travels. My prized possession has to be the lady with the lamp that belonged to my great grandmother. I also have copper pan daans, brass beer mugs and brass lamps that are heirloom pieces. I cherish them with my heart and soul. I have to say that I have inherited my style sensibilities from my parents who are avid antique collectors".

A lovely floral arrangement....

"Our basement is the only room that has a western influence. This is our media/entertainment room. We usually entertain a lot of guests here. In the winter with the fire place on, it’s a great place to cozy up. The sun burst mirror was a family project. We did it together and it turned out great".

Another favorite corner of mine from Sruthi's home!!

Thank you Sruthi for sharing your beautiful world with the readers of My Dream Canvas. Please leave your comments for Sruthi below. I am sure she would love to hear from you:)

Images: Sruthi via The East Coast Desi and subject to copyright.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Historic Home!

Like a breath of fresh air, this lovely historic home in Australia has caught my eye today! Photography is by Lisa Cohen and Styling is by Heather Nette King. The home looks fresh, warm and inviting and has lots of character........just the way I like it :)

Images: via

Monday, October 28, 2013

Decor Inspired by Nature (Diwali ideas)

Diwali, The Indian Festival of lights is a few days away. Diwali is usually a big celebration in my house. I miss India and my parents home even more this time of the year! However, over the years I have tried to recreate the magic of Diwali here in the States for my children!

I am drawing inspiration from nature for my Diwali decor this year.

I have picked up these beautiful leaves that are strewn all over my backyard. The colors are perfect. The golden hues gives me my color theme for Diwali this year. The leaves act as a perfect backdrop for the shimmering tea lights. A simple and inexpensive way to create a vignette for Diwali. Do you like it? This can be idea for a Thanksgiving tablescape as well!

I promise to share a few other Diwali decor ideas on the blog this week.

What is your most favorite childhood Diwali memory? I have tonnes.... and I shall share them with you soon!

Images: My Dream Canvas and subject to copyright.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Vintage Inspired Diwali Inspiration at MDC

It is that time of the year again......Diwali (The Festival of Lights) beckons......

Here at My Dream Canvas, I am working on some Diwali inspiration with a vintage twist! Stay tuned for my Diwali series next week! 

Have a beautiful weekend and lets enjoy all the festivities together :)

Image: My Dream Canvas and subject to copyright.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Beauty and Soul of A Home!

Today something special happened and I have to share it with you. I have been really busy with a lot of stuff the past few days and not feeling a 100 percent! However, this evening as I walked into my home, I noticed it was enveloped in a golden glow. I immediately felt less tired and cranky :)

While I was clicking these pictures it dawned upon me that my home "moves me". I guess because these four walls are my comfort zone. Living here with my Family is what makes it perfect! We build our home over time and with layers. The layers in my home are far from perfect, nothing matches and not everything fits perfectly :) However, beauty does not come from perfection....right? Your home does not have to be perfect in the conventional sense....but you should love it, and make a connection with it. Call me a sentimental fool but my Family, my Friends who live close by and the imperfect layers in my home gives it beauty and a soul!

Images: My Dream Canvas and subject to copyright. Please do not share without written permission.

Joining Wow Us Wednesdays at Savvy Southern Style

Urban Outfitters

Urban Outfitters has an interesting collection of Duvet covers that seem perfect for Fall and Winter. Bright and Bohemian, these two covers recently caught my fancy. I am surrounded by Fog and cold weather these days..... and maybe that is why I am leaning towards this look :)

Images: via

Monday, October 21, 2013

An Autumn Monday

Hello there! I have had a late start to the work week but I am here now :) As the days whizz by, I have a lot on my hands. I have to plan for a Diwali party, a birthday party for my 5 year old and an upcoming India trip. Yes! I am off, and this is me rubbing my hands in glee :) There is so much to do!!

I wake up these days to foggy mornings and colorful trees! The fog refuses to let up, everything seems so mellow and I love watching the leaves fall quietly around me! The leaves cover my backyard in their myriad hues! At home, I have lit a new candle is called Merlot ( yes the wine ) and smells divine :) I am having a quick cup of tea and spending some time with you at MDC . I have to run off soon to attend to numerous things that are piled up for me to tackle.

Have a great week my lovely readers and let me know how you are doing?

Images: My Dream Canvas and subject to Copyright

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Simple and Easy Decor Ideas

I am loving the crisp cool autumn days in my neck of the woods. The trees have turned golden. There is one such pretty tree right outside my living room window. I look at it, and it feels like there is a painting framing my window pane :) It is a lovely sight to wake up to. I will be sad when the leaves fall off. This morning I found a branch lying under the tree and brought it indoors. I have stuck it into my pumpkin shaped kettle to add a touch of Fall into my home!!

Sometimes the simplest of things can add a dash of color and warmth to your decor. Look around you you and see what you can find :) Experiment, create, improvise and share your ideas with me!

Images: My home

Joining the party at Remodelaholic.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

French Curve by Anjali Sharma

 Today, I am delighted to introduce The French Curve based in Bangalore, India. Anjali Sharma launched French Curve in December 2005, after 15 years in the garment industry. She was a R&D Head- Global Labels for 6 years and a Senior Faculty with NIFT for over a decade. 

Here's some information about the brand. "Studio French Curve believes in the art of making beautiful clothes. The label is about very exclusive high end prêt women’s wear. The studio-signature silhouettes are exquisitely patterned and focus on texture, fabric, fabrication detail and surface enhancement. Manual effort in embellishments, embroideries and technical support is treasured and given its due. The two labels from the studio are FRENCHCURVE which is a beautifully minimal western prêt line, and ANJALISHARMA which deals with delicate Indian traditional clothing with an edge."

ANJALISHARMA is right now focusing on an out-of-the-world Festive collection to be previewed very soon. Called “the up market place” it’s a pop collection in frozen shimmer with Indian sensibilities and exquisite Crystal hand embellishment. You can get a sneak peak of the upcoming range on their Facebook page.

The French Curve ships internationally and the process is quite easy. You can have personalized discussions on mail where you can share your thoughts, receive pictures, concepts and much more!  I for one am a huge fan of this brand and excited to share this information with my readers :)

Click here to visit their website for more details on how to order your dream ensemble and join their Facebook page for regular updates!!

Images: French Curve and subject to copyright.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Bryce Covey Photography

I recently discovered Bryce Covey's portfolio via Style Me Pretty. Bryce Covey is an international fine art photographer. I love this delightful space from their portfolio. I like the fresh clean look, the pop of colors, the use of vintage fabrics and almost everything about it.

Click here to view the entire portfolio.

Images: via

Vintage Finds!

I am a big fan of antique stores. Stumbling upon an unexpected treasure/ a vintage find excites me :) Many of the things I bring home are not expensive but for me they are special. I found this vintage cruet set a few days ago. I have a another cruet set that belonged to my Great Grandfather. I display it at home but hardly ever use it as its made of silver. I like this one because its pretty and functional at the same time!

What struck me about it this morning is the color of the glass. These amber colored glass bottles bring the autumn hues into my home! I have a beautiful tree that has turned golden outside my window. Are you like me and make subtle changes to your decor as the season changes? I would love to know??

Happy Monday my lovely readers!!

Image: My Dream Canvas

Saturday, October 12, 2013

An Affair To Remember :)

Yes, I can't get enough of it :) I am having an affair with the Fall colors around my home this year. You might get tired of me posting these images but I am not getting tired of taking the pictures. So please bear with me:) Have a great Sunday and I shall see you back here on Monday for an action packed week on MDC!

Image: Anu Varma @ My Dream Canvas and subject to Copyright.

Friday, October 11, 2013

A Home in South Africa

My home crush for today is this lovely property in Cape Town, South Africa. The best way to describe this home is by the owners themselves. In their own words, the home is " slightly monastery”, wide spaces, a disciplined look with hints of sentimental clutter".

"Sentimental clutter" is such a delightful way to describe the things in your home! I can completely relate to it. Almost everything I own has some history or sentimentality attached to it.

I believe that the sentiments associated with the things you own determines its value............... and that is what makes it special. Sometimes, the most expensive things can mean far less, than that special treasure that has a story that goes with it :) Don't you agree?

View the entire home here. Photography is by Jan Hendrik.

Images: via

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Festive Season

Its that time of the year!! Navratri, Pujas, Dussehra, Diwali, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas.......its all around the corner. We as a family celebrate all the festivals. As you can imagine its a busy and happy time of the year:-) 

Here's wishing you all a lovely festival season. Durgaji ( Mother Goddess) from my home is sending her blessings your way! 

Image: A painting in my Home

Suzani's At The Loaded Trunk

I just spotted these stunning souk suzani pillows at one of my favorite stores - The Loaded Trunk. I love everything about this image, the way its been shot, the colors and the beauty and warmth of the pillows. Its the perfect look for Fall.

I am suffering from a bad attack of sinusitis and sipping endless cups of chamomile and mint tea! Make sure you check out this fabulous store for some unique global finds!!

Image: The Loaded Trunk via Facebook and subject to copyright.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Fiery Hues Come Close To Home

I am as passionate about photography as I am about home decor, if not more. I am not brilliant at it, but I love taking pictures. My camera is almost always with me as is my handbag :) These days I sit in my car and drive around trying to take pictures of the fall foliage around my neighborhood. Autumn has become my favorite time of the year. When I drive out of my house its like driving into a painting. The fiery hues beckon and I go crazy with my camera. My family is amused to say the least. I am sure the cars that pass me wonder who the crazy woman is standing in the middle of the road :)

Everyone needs a hobby and mine these days is chasing these colorful hues!!

Have a great week my lovely readers and see you around! I took these images on two different days, one day was sunny and the next day it was cloudy and dull.

Images: Copyright Anu Varma and cannot be reused under any condition.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Gratitude and A Few Words From The Heart!

Hello there! As a lifestyle blogger I get to share only a small part of me online. While design and decor is my passion, its only a part of my life. Life is often complicated and sometimes hard. Today, I realized that its time for me to stop fretting and be grateful for all what I have! I talk about pretty things and uncomplicated stuff on My Dream Canvas and I am so glad I do! However, life is not picture perfect and not a page from a magazine. Yet, there is a lot to be thankful for. Something as small as writing a blog is also a gift and perhaps a luxury for many others. I am grateful to each and every one of you who reads what I write. I am grateful for my amazing family, for my home, for my friends, for you, my lovely readers and for so much more!

This post is really not going anywhere..... but I just felt like saying "Thank you". I wish, I could remember to feel grateful everyday for all that I have. I think you will agree when I say this.........we all take so much for granted and forget to express gratitude. 

This is an auspicious time of the year for Indians all around the world and marks the beginning of the festive season. I am here to wish you all...... love, laughter, light, peace and happiness. 

Happy Friday and have a beautiful weekend!

Image: My Dream Canvas and subject to copyright

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Autumn and Chai

There is nothing better than an cool and crisp autumn day and a cup of chai :) I have been running around in circles and I am beginning to rethink my decorating priorities. I am spending more time in my car than at home :) Maybe its time I began re decorating my car....he he he!!! Yes, I am going a little nuts today, so I won't bore you with my nonsense. 

I am focusing my attention these days on the Shop at My Dream Canvas. You can click HERE to view the products currently available. I shall be updating it with a few more things later today. This festive season, and all through October starting today all my customers will receive a free gift with their purchase:) Happy Shopping!!!

Images: My Dream Canvas

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Hello October and an Update

Hello there. Last weekend we took a break from our crazy routine and drove up to the mountains. We stopped at this lovely place for lunch. The setting was gorgeous. I loved the burning coal on the tables. It was the perfect way to dine on a cold day!

Starting today The Shop at My Dream Canvas will have a sale of home decor products. The theme is Festive decor handpicked by me for your home. To know more about the sale, and to view the items visit the Shop and join me on Facebook for regular updates!!

Images: My Dream Canvas and subject to copyright.