Hello there! We are in the midst of a heat wave and this time its serious as its going to be around for a while :) Of course here anything over 80 degrees Fahrenheit is considered HOT HOT HOT :)
I am stopping by to share these delightful images......this to me is a picture perfect setting for a summer soiree. We are planning a picnic by the lake for July 4th. Its going to be no where as fancy as this but there is no harm day dreaming :)
I am also here to share some important news about Google Reader which is going to be retired on July 1st. You will need to pick a new way to follow your favorite blogs starting tomorrow. Here are are a few tips and suggestions on what to do. However, please don't forget to add My Dream Canvas to whatever method you chose :)
The first option for you which I like is Feedly. You can actually import all the blogs you currently follow on Google reader. It only takes a few minutes then you won't miss out on your favorite blogs.
The next option is Bloglovin. You can also import your subscriptions from Google reader. However each of the blogs you follow must sign themselves up with Bloglovin . Therefore you might miss out on a few.
Either way its time to make the switch!! What have you started using instead of Google reader? I would love to hear from you.
Hello there! The weekend beckons and we have abundant sunshine. I could not ask for more :) Its actually going to get hot in my part of the world. I think I shall hibernate this weekend at home as next week is looking way to hectic!!
Have a wonderful weekend !!! Here's a shot of a corner of my family room I took a few minutes ago via Instagram :)
I love homes that have pretty little corners that invite you to come in and relax. This delightful summer home in Sweden seems picture perfect. This house was built in the 18th century. The home belongs to Lorenzo Meazza who is the head of interiors for Ikea in Spain. He renovated the home and re- designed it to make it look like this. Sigh!! I love the job and the house :)
This house has such a magical feel to it. I love the light filtering through. This home is called "Lilla Torpet"which means a Swedish country-house. Set amidst a lush forest here times seems to stand still.
I love the look and feel of Scandinavian homes.....don't you??
Yesterday was a day filled with surprises. For those of you who read My Dream Canvas on a regular basis know of my love for flowers and of my favorite place to get them. It is the little farm 2 miles away from my home. The farm belongs a sweet old lady who always greets me with a warm smile and a bunch full of the most beautiful flowers :) Yesterday after running a rather boring errand, I drove past the farm and spotted these stunning Dahlias. These flowers are the first of the season. I was thrilled to see that the farm had opened for the summer. The owner and I met as long lost friends after a long winter :)
I came home to find a parcel on my doorstep from India. My stunning Goddess Lakshmi from Anek Designs had arrived in the mail. I love the colors used in the cushion. I am not sure if I will use it as a cushion. I think it will look good on the wall. I would love to get your opinion as well? Do leave me a comment with your suggestions. What struck me was that the color of the Dahlias and the colors used in the cushion cover were a perfect match.
I took a break from a super busy day to take some quick pictures :) Its amazing how an ordinary day can become extraordinary with a few unexpected surprises :)
Keep on smiling :)
Images : My Dream Canvas , taken by Me and Subject to copyright.
Hello everyone and hello to the new week :) Hope your weekend was nice. My kids are out of school for the summer and I have family visiting from India so its been busy at MDC :) One of the reasons why I love where I live is because of its proximity to the mountains. We are a few hours away from the Cascade mountains range. Every time I see the jagged peaks I am mesmerized by their beauty.
This weekend we drove two hours to a German village called Leavenworth which is nestled in the foothills of the Cascades.
Leavenworth is a replica of a German village. Its touristy, its crowded and yet there is something fun and magical about this place. I have seen this picturesque town in every season and its pretty anytime of the year. However, this weekend the place looked happier as the streets were lined with flowering baskets in a myriad hues. Wherever I looked, these swaying baskets where vying for my attention :) Leavenworth is a place filled with laughter and smiles and I too caught the bug :) It was nice to get away from the humdrum of everyday life. Here are a few pictures.......
I did stop at a great home store and managed to take a few pictures. Stay tuned for a post about this lovely little place filled with delightful treasures!
A short stop for coffee en route....
The pretty flowering baskets......
The town.....
A family enjoying a carriage ride......
Chocolates.....yum yum....
We spotted some pear and apple orchards on our drive back home....
Images: Copyright My Dream Canvas and taken by Me.
I simply had to share these gorgeous textiles as part of my "Fabulous Finds" series for this week. This exquisite collection is part of the brand by Manuel Canovas. Manuel is a Frenchman who started his fabric company 50 years ago. His fabrics are inspired by his travels which he presents with a distinct French style!
Their 2013 collection has been inspired by Rajasthan's bright, bold and vibrant colors and patterns. As you can see I am clearly smitten :)
My quest for summer homes continue and today I take you to a sunny home in Tuscany, Italy. I love the textures, patterns and colors used in this home. This home has an interesting mix of colorful fabrics and cozy furnishings. I really like the use of bold colors and yet somehow the home appears bright and airy. Surrounded by natural beauty......this home looks unique, warm and inviting!
I like my home to evolve and change with every new season. Simple changes that are effective in my mind and works for me for a few months. Maybe I am fickle..... but I love to move things around :)
To be honest while I love my Suzani chair, I have never been completely happy with it being in my formal living space. My formal living room is in the front of the house and is not a very large area. This chair in my mind deserves its own space :) I faced resistance from Mr MDC who wanted it to be there, so that it would be away from my kids reach. My kids spent most of their time in the room shown here. This room is our all purpose family room. So moving the chair here would have meant that it would be used more often. I am not entirely sure that I have done a smart thing. I would like to believe that my kids are old enough now not to destroy my stuff :) Time will tell I guess!!
So for now the chair has moved to its new location. I like it more here. With the light streaming.....I am ready to welcome summer in my home! I am trying to achieve a bright, clean and airy look for summer and I am slowly getting there!!
What about you ? Are you working on any seasonal changes in your home? I would love to know!
I spotted this pretty guest bedroom and had to share it with all of you. I found these lovely images on La Dolce Vita. This pretty bedroom belongs to Naomi of The Design Manifest. I love the play of patterns in this space and the colorful hues. The room has a global and bohemian vibe to it which makes it very appealing.
This room looks warm and inviting.....the perfect look to make the guests feel welcome!!
Every summer I try and feature homes that for me epitomizes the perfect summer home/ getaway. This home in Spain perfectly fits the bill :) I love the muted tones, the peachy hues and the feminine touch. This is a 19th century villa in Spain and it belongs to a family of five and their dog.
It looks so pretty and idyllic....don't you think?
I have picked the two winners of the Arcadian Home Ikat Frame Giveaway via random.org. The winners are Kathy of A Delightsome Life and Shilpa Kamath. Congratulations ladies you will each receive 4 pretty Ikat frames via Arcadian homes. Please send me your mailing address so that the frames can be shipped to you.
Hello there! My home is flooded with sunshine today so I am a happy gal. Its been super busy at my end. I have to apologize to those of you who have sent me emails. I have not had a chance to respond to you and I shall make amends soon. I have some lovely features that I am keen to share with you and hopefully I shall get to it soon. I am popping in to say a quick hello and to let you know that I shall announce the Ikat frame Giveaway winners tonight. You have a few more hours to enter :)
Hello there! I know I have family visiting so its been busy at the MDC Casa! Summer has arrived in my neck of the woods. Long days filled with abundant sunshine and glorious sunsets!
Here is an image I took of the sunset last evening by the water! It was truly a magical sight.
Tomorrow is Father's day and these words echo my sentiments completely :) Have a great Father's Day and a wonderful Sunday!!
I adore this! What an absolutely delightful way to display family pictures and pretty flowers. Don't you think this combination is irresistible??
The bucket and the jug has got me thinking......... I would love something like this in my home!. Creating something similar would be a fun summer project. I just need to figure out how to do it :) However, for now I shall admire this lovely vignette and be happy :)
I love to travel :) To see the world, to explore the unknown, to taste different cuisines, to wander aimlessly.......yes I love it all!! Do you shop a lot on vacation? I used to be the person in the souvenir shop picking up the cute and sometimes tacky knick-knacks and now I don't! The reason is simple, I hope to see more of the world and I don't have the space in my home to display all my finds :) I have nothing against shopping on a trip, I love it too. However I do stop myself from picking up random things!
Somehow the souvenirs that I find in multiple stores when I am on vacation don't tempt me anymore. Instead I have a new passion. I collect coffee table books from the places/ countries that I have visited!
These books are slowly filling up my book shelves at home but I do not mind.
I recently got these two cute little books from my brother and sister in law while we were holidaying in England. They lived in Leicester at the time, hence the book :) I am a student of English literature so you can understand my passion for poetry. My brother bought me this book on Wordsworth while we were sitting in a pub on our trip to the Lake district.
I smile every time I look at these books and the many others that I have collected. I date them so years later I can remember when we were there. I have also started writing a few lines in the book itself about our trip! A quick snapshot of our vacation :)
So what about you......do you shop on vacations and what do you love to buy?
I took this shot from the car while driving through the Lake District on a cloudy day!
My "Fabulous Find" for this week is Anek Design's hand painted Kalamkari cushions. I have liked Kanika's work for a while now and own a few of Anek Design's cushions myself. These cushions can be found on Etsy here and the best part is that they ship to the United States:)
I really like these hand painted kalamkari cushions with the images of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi. I am drawn to the colorful hues of these lovely cushions!