Happy Friday to all of you! I found this cute tin sign for my home today! I have been looking for something like this for a while. I so am excited!! I have a busy weekend ahead! I am not complaining, it promises to be good.......the fun kind :)
What about you? Call me crazy, but I usually keep Saturdays as fun days.... and Sunday is when we run the errands and handle the chores. For a while we were doing only one or the other! Sigh!! However, off late this seems to be working for me and my family!!
Do you have a weekend formula.....do share? I am sending some " Love" your way today....
I fell in love today :) I fell in love with the sunlight streaming through my window. Yes, I am silly like that!! After 19 days of endless rain, the sight of blue skies and the sun can do that to you. It was like a veil had lifted! I was besotted with the sunlight, my home, and the pretty pink flowers that completed the picture!!
Also, I have a confess something on the blog today! You know, that I do around exploring and hunting for things for the Shop At My Dream Canvas but what you don't know, is that I always find something in my loot that tempts me. This time it was this vintage brass fish shaped soap dish. I found it while rummaging through stuff in a tiny little shop in India. It was covered in dust lying neglected among some shiny new things. I fell for it instantly and therefore cannot bear to part with it. However, I did pick up a few extra pieces so for those of you who are interested, it is also available in the Shop!
I have a weakness for antiques and vintage styled products. They are part of my home as well as my little online boutique :)
My sun kissed home today made me think of Spring. There is so much to look forward to. Life is complicated but beautiful all at the same time..............don't you think??
I have been a tad bit under the weather hence this week has got off to a slow start. Happy Monday my lovely readers.
The Shop At My Dream Canvas is coming along nicely. This is my third year of pursuing my dream. I could not be happier :) Make sure you stop by and have a look. Click Here to enter!
These pretty wooden paisley shaped tea light holders is my pick from the store this week. Are you a paisley fan? It is a classic don't you think? I am off to ship a parcel to New Jersey. I am always ecstatic when someone makes The Shop At My Dream Canvas a small part of their lovely home :)
I still have a few in stock so grab them while you can :)
I would love to redo my breakfast nook. Whenever I see something interesting online, I file it away for ideas. There are some places that look fabulous but I can't picture myself there. However, there are few that appeal to you instantly and you can actually imagine yourself there. Style is something personal for me but there is some great inspiration out there and its fun to look right ? This breakfast nook appeals to me in a lot of ways. I liked the lived in look. Amanda Peet, the actress has managed to achieve a great space to spend family time. I love the wooden table, the colorful textiles, the interesting library of books, the colorful woven rug and her daughters art that has been beautifully displayed here.
My daughter would love this as she goes around pinning her art just about everywhere. She gets rather offended when I don't put all of them up. She is only five so we have a long way to go :)
I could easily see myself curling up here with a cup of tea and a good book. It looks like the perfect setting for family time and endless chit-chats.
Lets try something fun today. Put on your thinking cap and describe your home in "one word". For me its always been "canvas". I like to think of my home as a canvas bringing my thoughts to life. Hence the name My Dream Canvas :)
Now its your turn :) I would love to hear what your home is to you........ but it has to be just one word please!!
I can't wait to see what you have to say :) Think of that one word and leave me a comment on my Facebook page here. This should be fun :)
I did it!!! After a lot of deliberation I have got a red wall and Moroccan red is the name of the paint I have used. It has a nice ring to it :-) I liked the color instantly but have been very nervous about how it would look in my Family room! Thankfully, it has worked out well and I am mighty pleased. I know this is not a big deal for those of you who paint regularly or those of you who experiment with color often. For me it is a giant leap..... so please humor me :) I am extremely conservative in my choice of color and usually stick to neutral shades for the wall. This is completely out of my comfort zone even though it is such a small area. Who know someday I might go all out :)
I took this picture from my phone as I was excited to share it with you :) It was a dull day today so forgive me as the picture has not come out all that well. I shall share more pictures soon!
I have had a late start this Monday.....too many things on my mind. Today, I have something to share from my inspiration folder! This Tribeca loft designed by Deborah French Designs has all the eye candy I need to kick start the week:) The designer has woven together different styles in a very captivating manner. It has a eclectic mix of textures and colors. With a collection of things from Italy, Morocco, India, France, China, America, Afghanistan, and Africa, she has created an environment that is warm and welcoming and at the same time sophisticated and elegant.
The Indian Jewellery Project is a fascinating project and a great initiative started by Lai - Silver Jewellery by Puja Bhargava Kamath. When Puja wrote to me asking for a submission, I was happy to be a part of something which is so close to my heart. Documenting my family's history has been a passion for me. I am in the process of collecting family photographs and letters and thinking of ways to preserve them.
This wonderful initiative is another way for all of us to contribute and preserve our roots. To quote Mid Day " Taking cue from the Indian Memory Project, Puja's Indian Jewellery Project aims to put together a visual history of Indian jewellery by sourcing images from personal archives of families."
This is my submission for the project and includes a bit of information about this image and the jewellery.
This image is of my (Grandmother) Nani, Mrs Kusum Sinha. This photograph was taken in February1939 by my Grandfather Mr RK Sinha. My Grandfather was an an avid photographer. He had a a dark room ("photo kamra") where he personally developed and printed his photographs at home. My Grandmother is wearing a bright wine red Benarsi tissue sari, Gold and Kundan matha patti, a 4 tiered Jhumka (earring) in gold and minakari and kundan kadas (bracelet). Both the kadas (bracelet) and earrings have been passed down to me. I was recently gifted these earrings by my mother at my brother's wedding :)
These earrings are now over 75 years old!
Please visit the Indian Jewellery Project to know more. This project would love new submissions. Do visit the page to know how you can contribute!
Sometimes the simplest thing can bring a smile to your face. It is dull and gloomy where I am..... and I woke up feeling a wee bit under the weather. However a quick look at El Mueble always manages to cheer me up :) This lovely image has helped kick start my day!
I love everything about it. The way its been styled and composed to the beautiful sunlight filtering through.......and of course the pretty box.....lovely!!
My favorite series on My Dream Canvas will be back with a bang this year!! I am so excited as I have a spectacular home lined up to share with you :) This home is in Delhi and belongs to a family friend. I took a few pictures of this spectacular home when I was there in December. I am still in the process of sorting out the images so today I am here to give you a sneak peek :)
I hope you are excited to see home tours back on MDC ??? I have loved each and every home I have featured here. This one in particular has me completely mesmerized........ and you shall soon know why :)
Here's wishing you a beautiful week ahead!
Image : Copyright My Dream Canvas. Home: Mrs Nishi Bahadur.
I also want to mention that the Shop At My Dream Canvas has some new products. These are my exclusive picks for you :) My vision for the store is to bring a touch of Indian heritage to your homes. All the items are available in limited qualities to maintain exclusivity. So hop on over..... and I hope you find that treasure you are looking for :) Click HERE to be directed to the store!
Happy Friday my friends! My two loves..... Suzani and the sea have come together today. What is not to love about that :) My "Fabulous Find" for today is an Etsy store called BirBor based in Bali. This stunning image caught my eye. While the chair is gorgeous, the way it has been photographed adds even more beauty and drama!
Suzani upholstered chairs are very expensive. Yet, I cannot help but love how striking these chairs look. Birbor is brand new and has been launched this month.......... however this store is one to watch out for!
At this point its is a dream :) Its frightfully cold in my neck of the woods. The sky is blue, the sun is shining and the mountains are covered with snow. I picked up these flowers this morning and the sight of them makes me feel warm. Yes......I am dreaming of spring today :)
Thank you to the fantastic response to The Shop At My Dream Canvas. I am happy to report that my little online store is doing well: ) I have recently updated the inventory and added a few new products.
These products are all in limited supply so grab them while you can :) Click HERE to enter the Store!
Over the years this blog has become such an integral part of me that I cannot do with out it. My passion for photography combined with my love for My Dream Canvas got me thinking. I was not happy just switching on my laptop to blog! This got me thinking.......I wanted something in my home that was my little "MDC" corner :) I decided to create a wall in my family room with my favorite images from My Dream Canvas. These are all photographs taken by me during my travels and some are vignettes from of my home. Now for the best part.....I don't spend a ton of money on these prints. I get them printed at Costco and they are very inexpensive! I get to change the prints as often as I like. I usually change them every few months. It also very effectively changes the decor and look of this room.
You might think I am self obsessed!! I am guilty as charged :) My obsession though is not with myself but "My Dream Canvas". My blog gives me a reason to smile everyday. I am so grateful for this outlet. I feel honored that so many of you have been a part of this journey with me!
So what do you think of my idea of a "Dream Canvas" wall ?
This is a crusty old lantern which caught my eye in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. I love the blue :)
The wall in its entirety. I shall share more pictures soon!
I took this picture in December at Humayun's tomb in Delhi, India.
I have had a late start this Monday. Its probably because of "Superbowl". Sunday we had some friends over for a Superbowl party. It was such a thrill to watch the Seahwaks win. Seattle is going crazy celebrating and I can say its the same here at my Casa :)
After a great night, I woke up to a glorious day. The winter sun looked amazing as it filtered through my windows.
I have an afternoon tea ritual everyday before I go pick up my kids. Today, I used my brand new mug from Artnlight. Vineeta Nair of Artnlight creates the most amazing decor/home accessories. I am a big fan. This mug is part of her Queen series and you can find them here! Vineeta's blog is a visual delight and a source of constant inspiration!
I am going to bask in the glory of Seattle's win last night. Go Hawks!! The sunny skies was the icing on the cake and the tea in my shiny new mug :)