Hello there! I am sorry for this long absence from blogging. I have missed you all. I am in India with my parents. First it was the jet lag and then its been family time. There has been a lot of good food, endless chatting....chaos and relaxation!
How have you been? I stopped briefly at a Winter Weaves Exhibition and took this picture. I promise you many more colorful posts from India. So stay tuned....
I also wanted to wish my readers in the United States a Happy Thanksgiving!! See you around!
I have a gazillion things to do before an upcoming trip and am popping in to say a quick " Hello". I shall try and be regular with my blog posts. However, you know how these trips go....sometimes you just can't! I mean that in a good way :)
I am excited......and yet the endless chores are taking over my life! I guess, I shall relax when I am on the flight or when I get there :) Why is it that despite my best efforts at being organised, things get crazy before a trip. What about you? Do you have some tips/tricks up your sleeve to make the last minute mayhem before a trip go away??
Have a great week ahead! I shall be back sometime or someday but for now take me away.......
I like to believe that I am an organised person!! However, off late, I have too many things on my plate. Nothing seems to get done!!! Yes, its one of those days for me.....sigh! Well at least, I am happy its Friday....... as I am sure you are too :) Here's wishing you a fabulous weekend from my home to yours. I took this picture a few days ago when I had some people over. Looking at it today, its helping me calm down a wee bit :) The magic of flowers and candles can never fail!! Right ?
I recently stumbled upon a treasure chest of goodies. A store in Raleigh, North Carolina called Furbish Studio. The owner of this store is Jamie Meares. Meares is a sought-after trendsetter, designer, and blogger. In 2009, as an extension of her popular lifestyle blog called I Suwannee, Meares opened Furbish Studio.
"Furbish offers a curated collection of fabulous finds for the home, including unique pieces of furniture, both old and new, inspired lighting, and modern artwork. The store is stocked with textiles in vibrant patterns and bold combinations, including bedding, pillows, rugs and designer fabrics. Coveted accessories and one-of-a-kind treasures inspire visitors to decorate their homes with easygoing flair."
Her blog and the shop are an absolute delight! I could spend hours at this store and hope to see it in person someday. I lived in Cary which is very close to Raleigh, after I got married. We do make trips back there every once in a while! For now, I am happy to browse the site online and so should you :) They also ship.....yay!!!
Sigh....remember my plan of owning my own little store with trinkets from around the world. Well.....her site makes me dream again :) I shall have a book store and a cafe as well :) Bye for now as I am off to daydream.........
By the way, this post is long has a lot of drool worthy pictures :) Pick your favorite and let me know?
I really like this very cool, elegant and stylish Ipad stand I found on VivaTerra today! This stand is hand-carved from sustainable sheesham wood by master artisans in India. The stand displays the beauty of floral mandala woodwork while displaying recipes - either on the Ipad or in a cookbook. What's not to love about that ? These items are created in collaboration with a non- profit fair-trade organization that helps impoverished, often physically handicapped carvers.
Its is getting really cold in my part of the world. Very soon, we shall see a lot less of sunshine. I am savoring it for now, as I know it shall not last long. In January, a few years ago, I recall it being cloudy and rainy for 21 days in a row. That same year we took the children to Hawaii to escape the dreary winter. We landed at night. The next morning when we opened the drapes, my kids could not stop blinking!! They had not seen the sun for so long that they were not used to it :) My younger one actually pointed towards the window and asked me what that was???
Therefore here are a few sunny corners from my home :) Now you can understand my obsession :)
Now back to the world of design and decor! I have a confession to make, I am bored of decorating/ changing the decor in my house. There I said it :) For now, I am content. This is NOT because my home is immaculate but because its comfortable. What I need to work on is not the "beauty" of the house. This is not about the curios, the paintings, the flowers, the candles but my messy drawers and overflowing wardrobes :) Yes, there are corners and corners that are a complete mess, not visible on My Dream Canvas :) However, while it bothers me, I have to be honest, the thought of all that clean up, organizing and sorting is not fun. The decorating part is so much more exciting:)
Do you feel like that too?? Are there others out there just like me?? How do you tackle this problem? I would love some suggestions and for you to share your ideas on the blog today!
Camilla Franks is an internationally acclaimed designer known for her playful, vibrant and luxurious clothing for woman. The Camilla label brings worldly charm and exotic flavor to timeless fashion. I recently spotted these exquisite cushions which are also a part of her home collection.
I love them all. Its the perfect look for Winter and can add the right amount of global/ bohemian vibe to your living space! Visit Camilla to view the entire collection.
Wow, November is here!!! This year has gone by in a whizz. Temperatures are falling and the leaves are silently falling around me. Winter beckons.....
This is my backyard just before the rain and wind arrived. I guess its time for change! The backyard has a carpet of leaves but the tree is almost bare! I really enjoyed Fall this year. Winter promises to be fun too! I am off to India in a few weeks. I can hardly wait :)
I shall miss this sight.....
While browsing on the web, I stumbled upon these beautifully illustrated and hand drawn decal plates by Shanna Murray! They are available at West Elm. I am completely in love with them :) They look perfect for some Holiday entertaining, don't you think? The look is playful, rustic and elegant!
Image 1 : My Dream Canvas, Image 2 and 3 : West Elm
As the evening fades away,a weekend of celebrations comes to an end in my neck of the woods! However the sparkle and shine of Diwali lingers on in my home! I miss my family a lot, especially this time of the year. I reminisce about my childhood years and my husband has to patiently hear it all :) Diwali was always a big deal in my house. I am happy to keep the traditions alive in my home here in the States. I hope one day my children will look back and remember the significance of this festival and all the sparkle and shine :)
It is the middle of the night in my part of the world. I am here to wish all my wonderful readers around the world........A very Happy Diwali from my home to yours! May you and your loved ones have a bright and beautiful Diwali.
A big hug from me to you and thank you for stopping by My Dream Canvas!