Beautiful thought-provoking insights about everyday life.
I like it.
A small excerpt from on of the chapters about books...
" ...I used to say that I needed my books in case I ever wanted to look something up in them. now, however, when I want to find something, I turn on my computer, type in the key word or words, and everything I need to know appears on the screen- courtesy of the internet, the biggest library on the planet."
"Of course, I continue to buy books - there's no electronic substitute for them; but as soon as I've finished a book, I let it go; I give it to someone else, or to the public library..."
" Let's leave our books free to travel, then, to be touched by other hands, and enjoyed by other eyes. As I'm writing this, I have a vague memory of a poem by Jorge Luis Borges, which speaks of books that will never again be opened.
There is a line from Verlaine I'll never now recall,
There is a street nearby from which my footsteps are barred,
There is a mirror that has looked it's last on my face,
There is a door I have closed for the final time.
Amongst the books in my library ( I can see them now)
There are some I will never open again.
Have a great day!
( P.S.~ The summer mini- series of photographs is over for now, will try and do another series soon:-)
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