One of the most delightful things about a garden is the anticipation it provides.
~W.E. Johns

We have mostly perennials in our terrace, but this year we decided we would have few pots aside for seasonal flowers that would paint our little terrace garden with their vibrant colours every season.
We picked up some Zinnia seeds from the Lalbagh Flower Show in August this year and were thrilled with the prospect of having bright Zinnias blooming as the first of the seasonal flowers...
Every morning, with a chai mug in my hand, I would step out to inspect the pots for some activity and would be super excited to find a new leaf or a new bud.
We didn't have a clue what colour palette the Zinnias had in store for us...
Seems like they read my mind....:-)

a blushing palette of pinks, magentas, purples, mauves and peach.

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