Sunday, November 23, 2008

carpenters and the rain...

* I am not talking about me with a cup of chai on a rainy day with 'The Carpenters' singing rainy days and mondays always get me down... well, actually they do:-(
* I am talking about the kinds armed with saws, polish, hammer, nails...

* the ones for whom we wait with bated breath.
* the ones who tranform our homes into a dream.
* scrap, scrub, hammer, hammer, bang, to my ears.
* but, hey wait...did I hear pitter-patter too?

* "Amma, polish can't be done, no sun, won't dry"
* my dreams get postponed to another weekend.
* I grab my camera and shoot the weapons abandoned due to the rains.
* BTW, blocks of wood make interesting coasters;-)

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